Online Bible Study Centre


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2





Bible Prophecy

Bible Prophecy

Throughout the scriptures, God defined Himself as the God who reveals the end from the beginning. Discover Bible Prophecy and its fulfilment.

Health and Wellbeing

Our physical, emotional and spiritual health are some of the most important elements of our lives. Discover biblical principles how to enhance yours today.

Family and Relationships

Don't leave chance to determine the success of your personal relationships. Discover time tested bible based principles for healthy family relationships.

Bible Studies For Kids

Help your child develop their character and resilience with these easy to understand timeless Bible Studies for Kids of all ages.


Don’t allow the brokenness, hurts and pains of your past control your future. Discover the power of forgiving yourself, others & being forgiven by God. 

All About Jesus

Discover the sublime realities available to all through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Deepen your relationship with God revealed through Jesus.

Bible Study Topics

Topical Bible Studies

Don't leave chance to determine the success of your personal relationships. Discover time tested bible based principles for healthy family relationships.

How to Pray

How To Pray

Delve into the spiritual discipline of communication with the God. Deepen your connection with God and enrich your spiritual journey.

Bible buddy


Introducing Bible Buddy, our revolutionary Biblebot designed to transform your Bible study experience! Engage with the Scriptures like never before, as Bible Buddy provides personalized guidance, answers your questions, and deepens your understanding of the Word of God. Discover a new and innovative approach to exploring the Bible with Bible Buddy by your side.


Aussie Kids

These booklets are an Aussie Bible study for kids, making them a great starting point for teaching children about who Jesus is and how much He loves us.

Kids Zone

These fun and easy-to-read Bible studies for kids focus on teaching children about who Jesus is and how we know He loves us through His character which is clearly revealed in the Bible.


These Children’s Bible Study Guides are designed to teach biblical principles to equip your child with the tools they need to troubleshoot some of life’s most common challenges.


Light Of The World

Come on a life-changing journey to meet Jesus, the Light of the World, who is both a real historical figure and our loving Creator and Saviour through the Bible Studies about Jesus.


Taking Charge of Your Life

If you’re interested in growing to fulfil your potential in a wholistic way through bible based studies on health and wellbeing, the Taking Charge of Your Life booklets are for you.

Live Well

The Living Well booklets focus on all major aspects of health and wellbeing including food and nutrition, exercise and fitness, mind and heart. 

Forgive to Live (Part 1)

Learn how to find the freedom that comes through forgiveness, improve your future and health and reframe your past with these self-help study guides.

Forgive to Live (Part 2)

These Bible Study Guides explore the importance of forgiveness by looking at God’s incredible love and forgiveness for us.


Men and women were created by God to complement each other, but do we really know how to foster healthy long-term relationships? Learn biblical principles for healthy relationships.. 


These Study Guides for parents provide both encouragement and practical advice to aid you on your parenting journey.

Digging Up The Past

Learn how the Bible and ancient history connect through archaeological discoveries. These finding has proven the Bible to be an accurate book of  historical accounts.

Digging Up The Future

As the Biblical narrative is confirmed through ancient History, what does this mean for the future? Learn what Biblical Archaeology means for Christians today.

Teach Me to Pray

Come on a journey, just between you and God, to learn how to communicate with Him through prayer – these Bible Studies on Prayer will change your life!

The Faith of Doss

Based on the incredible story of Private Desmond Doss who bravely saved many lives on the battlefield, these Bible Study Topics explore all the major aspects of what it means to have The Faith of Doss. 

Beyond Discover

Go on a journey throughout history and into the future and discover how God is in control through these Bible Study Topics. Discover God as the only path to true hope and peace. 

Secrets of Prophecy

Unlock the secrets of Bible Prophecy. Explore how He accurately predicted humanity’s history thousands of years before it happened, and how He continues to provide timely predictions for our future through the Bible.

Our Creative Team

Wayne Boehm

Evangelism Director

Scott Heitmann

Website / SEO Specialist

Linda Thomas

Social Media Specialist

Russel George

Course Adviser




Imagine a day unlike any other, where the skies above us unfurl like the pages of an ancient, celestial manuscript, revealing the final chapter of a story written...



In the quiet chambers of our hearts, where battles are fought amidst raging human passions, the question is asked, "What sins are unforgivable?" The Apostle Paul,...



In the vast expanse of eternity, each life is but a single strand woven into an infinite mosaic, each narrative a distinct hue in this divine composition. There...



From in the endless continuum of time in the eternal past, there emerged a mission so profound, so transformative, that it forever altered the human narrative and...

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Frequently Asked Questions

We often receive a myriad of inquiries about Jesus. We aim to address some of the frequently asked questions regarding Jesus within the appropriate sections of our Jesus Study Resource Hub. If you don't come across the answers you're seeking, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

Are there any online Bible Studies?

The team at Australia's Online Bible Study Centre offer a wide selection of online Bible Studies for the whole family. We offer downloadable PDF Bible Studies for Kids, Studies on Bible Prophecy and studies on Health and Wellbeing. We also have live Bible Studies Online where you can join an online bible study community.

Are Bible Studies good?

The best bible studies are the ones that you do most. Whether you're studying the Bible yourself with a concordance and multiple translations or simply reading a book of the bible slowly, deeply thinking about each verse - all Bible Study is good. New to studying the Bible, or looking to deepen your understanding? Try selecting one of our Bible Study Topics.

Are there bible studies couples can do together?

There are Bible Studies couples can do together in our Family and Relationships section. Here you will find an awesome series of studies on relationships and another series on parenting. If your looking to bring Jesus into the centre of your relationship and experience the blessedness of walking together with Him, these study guides are a must!

Are there Bible Studies for kids?

We have some fantastic Bible Studies for kids available. Designed to help your Children know Jesus more and grow in wisdom and resilience, your children will love these studies.

Our History

The Online Bible Study Centre, was founded by Lay Pastor and SEO Specialsist Scott Heitmann in 2021. Scott was later called to work with Wayne Boehm in the Evangelism Department of Adventist Media. Together, with Linda Thomas and Russel George, they have continued to imagine and implement new possibilities for digital evangelism throughout Australia. 
Today, it is the mission of Australia’s Online Bible Study Centre to make the Bible available and understandable through engaging bible studies and biblical articles.  


Find a BIBLE STUDY Near Me

Are you looking to find a Bible Study in your area? Are you asking yourself, "Where can I find a Bible Study near me?" The team at Australia's Hope Bible Study Centre can help you find a Bible Study group at locations all around Australia. Connect with God and with each other today.