Bible Studies For Kids

Through our selection of Bible Studies for Kids, your children will build a ‘Rock’ solid foundation for life.  Help your children thrive through times of uncertainty or difficulty with the timeless principles revealed in the Bible.




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Welcome to our Bible Studies for kids, designed to build resilience, strong moral foundations, and introduce children to Jesus. Explore engaging resources that empower children with knowledge and values to navigate life’s challenges and foster a personal relationship with God. Simply fill out the registration details below for full access to our kids Bible studies. Already registered? Simply sign in using your login details below.


Designed to equip your child with the tools they need to troubleshoot life. These Children’s Bible Study Guides are designed for primary aged children to help them, through knowing God, learn how to overcome life’s challenges.

1. YOU At your best

Explore how to makeover your attitude in order to feel more confident about who God made you to be.

2. FAMILY They’re a gift

All families are different and none of them are perfect. This study guide provides practical tools to support positive family connections and tips for resolving conflict.

3. FRIENDS How to make em…

Explore the importance of friends, being yourself and finding ‘the right crowd’ for you!

More topics in the series…

4. SCHOOL You can succeed
5. GRIEF Dealing with loss
6. GOD He wants to know you

Equip your children with tools that can help them navigate the challenges in life as you lead them through these bible studies for kids.

Bible Studies For Kids
Children's Bible Studies


This series of 14 attention-grabbing Children’s Bible Studies invite young people to explore topics including how happy it made Jesus to create the world, how He made us in His image, how to have a personal relationship with Him, what heaven might be like and many more. They also discuss how living according to God’s guidelines as a result of our love Him is the key to being truly happy and healthy. Your child will love being taken on this journey to understand both Jesus and themselves better.

1. The Biggest Sand Castle Ever

This booklet describes how much joy God experienced when He created our world and specifically us in His own image. Learn about what kind of God He is that He would create us just so He could love us as a father loves His children, and we could love Him in return.

2. A Paradise for Pigs

Learn about how sin entered the world and the incredible love God has for us despite our tendency to rebel. This love was again on display when God sent His only son Jesus to die in our place, and Jesus agreed to this plan because He too loves us more than we can imagine!

3. He Did It for Love

Discover how Jesus gave up everything to leave heaven and come to earth as a baby just so He could communicate to us how much He loves us through His life and eventual death on a cross. We don’t have to fear the consequences of sin because Jesus paid the penalty on our behalf, why? He did it for love

More topics in this series…

4. A Miracle You Don’t Deserve
5. New from the Inside Out
6. Ever Been Tempted?
7. Fill’er Up
8. Living to the Limit Lawfully
9. How to Run a Million Miles
10. The Aroma of Love
11. A Day to Hang Out with Your Friend
12. Grave Talk
13. Here I Come!
14. Your Favourite Place in The Universe 

If teaching young people about the very personal love Jesus has for each of us is something that excites you, click the ‘download’ button below for access to these free Bible Studies for kids.

Jesus For Kids

This series of 15 easy-to-read Bible studies for kids are a great starting point for teaching children about Jesus, our Creator and Saviour. They cover everything from how Jesus created us, to how He came to earth to save us from sin and is coming back to take us to live in heaven with Him. Your child will love learning about the saving love of Jesus as you explore these booklets together.

1. Tell me about Jesus

Learn about who Jesus is, His relationship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit (the Godhead), and how He speaks to us through His love letter, the Bible. Also learn about who Satan is, but how Jesus is stronger and has already saved us so we don’t have to be afraid of anything if we invite Him into our lives.

2. Jesus Made our World

Learn about how Jesus spoke our world into existence because He is an amazing Creator who wants a personal relationship with each of us. Also learn about how Adam and Eve’s choice in the garden of Eden introduced sin into our world, but Jesus had a plan in place to save us because He is also our Saviour – the ultimate superhero!

3. Jesus Loves Me

Learn about Bible characters Enoch, Noah and Jacob, and through their stories come to understand how much Jesus loves everyone! Also learn how we never have to be afraid because we can always trust in God’s promises.

More topics in this series…

4. Jesus Keeps Me Safe
5. Jesus’ Special Place
6. Only Two Side
7. A King Dreams About Jesus
8. Jesus is Born
9. Jesus is my Example
10. Jesus Shows Me How to Live
11. Jesus is my Teacher
12. Jesus is my Friend
13. Gifts of Love
14. The Greatest Gift of All
15. Jesus is Coming Again 

If teaching your children about the saving love of Jesus is something that excites you, click the ‘download’ button below for access to these free Bible study booklets.

Kids Bible Studies


Bible Prophecy

Throughout the scriptures, God defined Himself as the God who reveals the end from the beginning. Discover Bible Prophecy and its fulfilment.

Health and Wellbeing

Our physical, emotional and spiritual health are some of the most important elements of our lives. Discover biblical principles how to enhance yours today.

Family and Relationships

Don’t leave chance to determine the success of your personal relationships. Discover time tested bible based principles for healthy family relationships.

Bible Studies For Kids

Help your child develop their character and resilience with these easy to understand timeless Bible Studies for Kids of all ages.


Don’t allow the brokenness, hurts and pains of your past control your future. Discover the power of forgiving yourself, others & being forgiven by God. 

All About Jesus

Discover the sublime realities available to all through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Deepen your relationship with God revealed through Jesus.

Topical Bible Studies

Don’t leave chance to determine the success of your personal relationships. Discover time tested bible based principles for healthy family relationships.

Teach Me To Pray

Delve into the spiritual discipline of communication with the God. Deepen your connection with God and enrich your spiritual journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

We often receive a myriad of inquiries about Jesus. We aim to address some of the frequently asked questions regarding Jesus within the appropriate sections of our Jesus Study Resource Hub. If you don’t come across the answers you’re seeking, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

Are there any online Bible Studies?

The team at Australia’s Online Bible Study Centre offer a wide selection of online Bible Studies for the whole family. We offer downloadable PDF Bible Studies for Kids, Studies on Bible Prophecy and studies on Health and Wellbeing. We also have live Bible Studies Online where you can join an online bible study community.

Are Bible Studies good?

The best bible studies are the ones that you do most. Whether you’re studying the Bible yourself with a concordance and multiple translations or simply reading a book of the bible slowly, deeply thinking about each verse – all Bible Study is good. New to studying the Bible, or looking to deepen your understanding? Try selecting one of our Bible Study Topics.

Are there bible studies couples can do together?

There are Bible Studies couples can do together in our Family and Relationships section. Here you will find an awesome series of studies on relationships and another series on parenting. If your looking to bring Jesus into the centre of your relationship and experience the blessedness of walking together with Him, these study guides are a must!

Are there Bible Studies for kids?

We have some fantastic Bible Studies for kids available. Designed to help your Children know Jesus more and grow in wisdom and resilience, your children will love these studies.


Find a BIBLE STUDY Near Me

Are you looking to find a Bible Study in your area? Are you asking yourself, “Where can I find a Bible Study near me?” The team at Australia’s Hope Bible Study Centre can help you find a Bible Study group at locations all around Australia. Connect with God and with each other today.